Drake Hospitality Team
The PTO supports Drake’s staff and stundents by hosting events like conference meals, Wish Lists, Fro-Yo Delivery, Carpool Buddies and more. Stay tuned for upcoming hospitality events and learn how you can get involved!
Carpool Buddies
Looking to Carpool! It is a great way to make friends and save time. Sign up here.
Hearing and Vision
Please sign up here to help with Hearing and Vision on October 8th
We need help with crowd control and other tasks and food donations for the Hearing and Vision Techs.
Fro-Yo Delivery
Please sign up here to help with deliverying Fro Yo to the 7th period classes on September 24th. It is a great way to feel connected to the school. Also, it is a lot of FUN!
PTO Funding Request
For Drake Staff - Click here to fill out form.