Hospitality & Community

Drake Hospitality Team

The PTO supports Drake’s staff and stundents by hosting events like conference meals, Wish Lists, Fro-Yo Delivery, Carpool Buddies and more. 

Fro Yo Delivery

Delivery Day is Feb 18th - 7th period. 

 If you would like to join us in delivering, please sign up here!  If you have the time, please do! We need you!   If you haven’t had the chance it’s fairly simple.  Show up at 2:45.  We bag up all the Fro Yos by class.  Then we get to walk the halls and deliver right to the classes.  We give it to the teacher and they can pass out when it’s convenient.  It’s a great chance to see the inner workings of a middle school.  We are usually done by 3:30 or so. 

Please sign up here.


Watch D.O.G.S  Calling all Dads, Uncles, and Grandpas and Father Figures

Thank you to all who came to the meeting!  It is going to be an amazing program for Drake. If you missed it, it’s not too late to sign up. We need you!

Here is are some important items:

Information sheet

Registration Form - Fill out then email to or drop off in the front office.

In order to volunteer a few steps must be taken in interest of keeping children safe. 

Thanks to Brian Armstrong who is leading this venture.  If you want more info or have questions please email him

You might also want to check out the Dads of Great Students Website

Donut Days!

We are looking for parents interested in helping with DONUT DAYS!  Students can by a 1/2 dozen donuts with their hard earned Drake Bucks.  

We need a list of parents who are willing to pick a dozen donuts and deliver to the school on a certain day each month (Genereally the 3rd Thursday). If you are interested in this, please email us at

Leadership and TAs, will divide and deliver donuts to the students who bought them.

Amazon Wish List for Drake Staff

Please help our staff get what they need for the classroom and school - link

Carpool Buddies

Looking to Carpool! It is a great way to make friends and save time.  Sign up here.  

PTO Funding Request

For Drake Staff - Click here to fill out form.